
Anu Pickles is a Product of Farm Fresh Market

Registered No: 22421072000522

Chicken Pickle – 1KG


There are different types of Indian pickles available in the market. Different pickles are prepared up from organic products. In India, pickles produced using chicken is eaten up by the general population with extraordinary energy. Here are a couple of medical advantages of these pickles that are accessible for the clients. The current studies have revealed that consuming these pickles builds the levels of hemoglobin in the patients suffering from diabetes and helps in improving the condition of the diabetic patients.

Good source of protein: If you are searching for a good source of   low fat and protein, then consuming chicken pickle is the best option in your hand. Chicken pickles are rich in protein that helps in building muscles, strengthening bones and reducing weight. Consuming chicken pickles allows you in removing ulcer and tumours.

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Weight 1 kg

Bone, Boneless